Thousands Encouraged to Lead in Fulfilling the Great Commission at Synergize 2020
Global Church Network Conference Ends by Challenging Thousands of Participants with FINISH 2030
ORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 31, 2020 – Global Church Network (GCN) ended its biennial international Synergize Conference today by challenging the more than 850 international attendees and thousands more watching online from nearly 50 nations to play an active role in helping to complete the Great Commission by the year 2030, the 2,000th anniversary of the global Church.
A group of world-class speakers addressed various topics of leadership to encourage and motivate participants to take part in GCN’s FINISH 2030 initiative working toward this monumental goal. During the final session, GCN announced that it has surpassed its milestone of reaching $2 million for phase one of FINISH 2030.
At the Global Church Leadership Meeting (annual meeting of Global Church Network) and the Synergize 2020 Pastors & Leaders Conference, the Global Church Network launched a powerful GCN App, celebrated the goal of 5 million new churches for a billion soul harvest being accomplished, raised more than $2,000,000 for Finish 2030 and pivoted toward the completion of the Great Commission by the 2000th birthday of the Church.
Rev. Angela Donadio, ordained minister, bestselling author and founder of Voice of the Voiceless, noted that God defines a noteworthy leader by the posture of their heart. She shared five Kingdom-minded principles leaders must possess to have the heart posture of God, including knowing there are no shortcuts to integrity, learning to pivot when others quit and caring more about celebrating the Kingdom of God than cowering to criticism.
“In order to fulfill the Great Commission, we must follow and fight for and fulfill the call of God in our lives,” Donadio said. “The fear of the Lord must mean more to us than the praise or criticism of people.”
Recognizing the diversity of the church and the importance of working together to fulfill the Great Commission, Rev. Peter Mortlock, pastor of City Impact Church based in Auckland, New Zealand, with additional campuses worldwide, reminded participants that God is doing the same thing He’s been doing for over 2,000 years – building His church and saving souls.
“Our relationship with one another is very important,” said Mortlock. “We have to keep on loving each other. If the devil can divide us, we lose our ability to be significant and make a difference in the world.”
Dr. Glenn Burris Jr., president of The Foursquare Church and CoChair/Global Church Leadership, challenged attendees to be a liberator for the Gospel by removing obstacles, taking risks, opening doors and getting out of the way when other leaders need to step in.
“You can’t declare liberty unless there is freedom from something,” Burris said. “The end result of effective ministry is that people are being set free – emotionally, spiritually or physically.”
Paul Daugherty, pastor of Victory Church in Tulsa Oklahoma, encouraged leaders of the next generation that they have what it takes to lead. “The master key is Christ in me to set me free from the lies of the enemy,” Daugherty said.
He went on to explain that this master key works through a leader’s sight, serving others and stepping into what God has called them to do.
Evangelist Tamyrn Klintworth, founder of In His Names Ministries, which has offices in South Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom, gave a powerful speech on baptism of the Holy Spirit and urged leaders to stop making everything about them.
“Stop worrying about saying the right thing. Stop focusing on yourselves and realize who you are filled with God Almighty. You have all you need to win your nation for God,” said Klintworth.
Bartholomew Orr, senior pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, Mississippi, challenged the Church to be bold and move with compassion instead of looking away from the problems in front of us. He reminded leaders that Jesus didn’t limit His plan or power, and neither should the church.
“Let’s be bold enough to think outside the box,” Orr said. “Let’s be bold, big and brave in our communication.”
Following Orr, Dr. Leonard Sweet, historian, author and professor at Drew University in Drew, New Jersey, explained that when it comes the doing the work God has called us to do, what empowers us and enables us is our relationship with God. Using examples from the Bible and current events, including the tragic passing of NBA Champion Kobe Bryant, Dr. Sweet established that our relationship with God is key to everything.
“What God wants more than anything else, what means the most and brings Him the most pleasure, is His relationship with us. Relationships are the most important thing in life,” said Dr. Sweet.
To conclude Synergize 2020, Dr. Kenneth Ulmer, senior pastor and teacher at Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood, California, spoke a powerful word from the heart about how believers must actively participate if they want to see what God is doing. Additionally, using rain as a metaphor for what God is about to do over the next decade, he provided encouragement to those who may feel discouraged in their efforts to sow seeds.
“Every miracle requires your participation,” said Ulmer. “God brought you here to Synergize 2020 to tell you that if you would just hold on you will begin reaping seeds. God’s about to take you from a waiting season to a rejoicing season. God is about to release the rain!”
For more information about Synergize 2020, visit, and Global Church Network, visit,
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Kristin Nill