Timely Ministry Provides Solution to Our Nation’s No. 1 Societal Issue: Fatherlessness

'Fathers in the Field’ Challenges Men in the Local Church to Defend the Cause of the Fatherless Through Godly Male Mentorship


Fatherlessness is our nation’s No. 1 societal issue. Today, 18.4 million children in America (1 in 4) live without a biological, step or adoptive father in the home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The impact of fatherlessness has contributed to the growing cultural ills we see in our society – divorce, crime and violence, mental health, suicide and addiction.

Consider the following statistics:

·        63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes – 5 times the average.

·        90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.

·        85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.

·        85% of children with absent fathers become involved in crime.

·        Children living in fatherless homes are 4 times more apt to live in poverty.

John Smithbaker, founder of Fathers in the Field and author of “Man Enough to Forgive,” believes our society is in critical need of godly and courageous men who can answer the call to “defend the cause of the fatherless,” as outlined in Isaiah 1:17. Today, Smithbaker is on a mission to challenge men within the Church to rise to the occasion, bridge the gap and help put an end to this issue that is crippling our nation, one fatherless boy at a time.


Fathers in the Field is a ministry created to “defend the cause of the fatherless,” offering a thoughtful, faithful and complete mentorship program for boys who have known fatherhood abandonment. The ministry was established in 2005 by John Smithbaker and Scott MacNaughton, two men who had each experienced the wounds of fatherhood abandonment, when they realized that God had been calling them to establish a ministry, bringing faith, fatherhood and forgiveness to boys going through the same hardship.

Driven by the profound societal repercussions of fatherlessness, Fathers in the Field combines fatherly mentorship, outdoor ventures and the Gospel message to bring healing into the lives of fatherless boys, offering opportunities for brighter futures. The program is designed for boys ages 7 to 17, who urgently need male role models, reaching them through single mothers desiring to give their sons a father figure.

Mentor fathers and boys meet four times a month and, using ministry tools, gain insight and understanding, serve others, worship, and plan a special outdoor activity (camping, hunting, fishing, etc.), serving as an anticipated year-end ‘rite of passage’ celebration.


Author, speaker and founding servant of Fathers in the Field, John J. Smithbaker is available for interviews via phone, email or Zoom video.

For in-studio opportunities, Smithbaker will be available upon request.


To schedule an interview with John Smithbaker, please contact Lauren Briggs at lauren@alarryross.com.


John J. Smithbaker Releases Book to Address the No. 1 Societal Issue of Our Time: Fatherlessness