Allen Jackson Ministries Receives “Radio Program of the Year” Award from National Religious Broadcasters

NASHVILLE, March 8, 2022 – Today, Allen Jackson Ministries received the National Religious Broadcasters’ “Radio Program of the Year” award, presented annually to a program that impacts listeners with compelling, relevant, informative, personable and entertaining information, while also demonstrating an authentic Christian faith.  As senior pastor of World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Pastor Jackson’s sermons are heard nationally on TBN television network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network, American Family Radio Network and many other outlets.

“I am honored that NRB would recognize our program, and we are grateful that so many religious broadcasters are committed to faithfully carrying biblical teaching content on their platforms in this day and age when the Bible is being censored or labeled ‘hate speech’ in many venues,” Pastor Jackson said. “I also need to acknowledge the tremendous work of our media team, as they diligently edit and package multiple sermons per week for radio and television broadcast. This is truly a team effort and I thank them for their dedication and servants’ hearts.”

NRB emphasizes that the award is not based on the size of a program’s reach but on its impact for the Gospel. Programs may compete, regardless of length, frequency of airing, number of markets, number of listeners, or the size of the budget. Winning the award is based on how God has used the program over the last 12 months to make a difference for Christ—whether that be in a small community or across the nation.

“Allen Jackson Ministries has continued to bring faith, hope and trust across America at a time when many churches remained closed,” said Radio Awards Chair and presenter Colleen Dick of WWIP-FM Radio. “The program provided timely biblical insight regarding current issues and scriptural messages highlighting truth.”

About Allen Jackson

Allen Jackson is senior pastor of World Outreach Church, a congregation of 15,000 that grew from a home Bible study in Middle Tennessee.  He is founder of Allen Jackson Ministries, which broadcasts his biblical messages nationally and internationally on multiple platforms. He is also the author of “Intentional Faith,” “God Bless America, Again,” and his most recent devotional project, “Lessons from Paul.”




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