Premier’s ‘Big Conversation’ Season 5 Begins April 7, Featuring First Episode: ‘Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?’
Christian Theologian and Renowned Historian Spark Hot-Topic Debate on the Validity of Resurrection Accounts
LONDON, March 2, 2023 – Premier Unbelievable?’s popular “The Big Conversation” series kicks off its 5th season, welcoming scholars Bart Ehrman and Justin Bass to the debate table, featuring their discourse on the evidence of whether or not Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead.
In this gripping discussion led by Premier Unbelievable? host and Apologetics Director Justin Brierley, agnostic New Testament historian Bart Ehman challenged Christian New Testament scholar Justin Bass on his belief that the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is the best explanation of both Scripture and history. After having been previously acquainted with one another in a separate public debate on the topic of whether the ‘historical’ Jesus had claimed to be divine, both authors brought significant arguments back to the table for this meaty conversation.
In addition to the subject of biblical witness accounts, the two also disputed the concepts of miracles, physics and proclaimed testimonies from within other religions. This ongoing, heated debate covered the important areas of discussion revolving around the resurrection, an ongoing historical debate that continues to spark the interests of millions globally today.
When it came to Ehrmans’ argument that Christians are only one of multiple religions that claim to have eye-witness accounts of supernatural encounters, Bass retorted with the argument that Jesus’ witnesses saw him “risen from the dead.” He further explained that the Jesus these individuals saw was not a spirit (as other religions claim), but rather, a man.
“How many ancient Christian writings do we have, by somebody who says in those writings, that he saw Jesus?” Ehrman asks. “...the claim was not, oh, the Messiah has been raised from the dead. The claim was we have seen Jesus. And that claim is not unprecedented, we have lots and lots, thousands and millions of people claim to see someone who is dead who’s alive now. So that’s not evidence. The appearance is evidence.”
As “The Big Conversation” season 5 gets under way, Brierley expresses eager anticipation about the upcoming guests and the substantial discussions they will be bringing to the debate table, expectant for this to be the best season yet. In addition to Ehrman and Bass, the second episode of the season features journalist Louise Perry and author Rod Dreher in their weighty discussion on the sexual revolution.
“I’m excited for these conversations—those topics that people are often debating or questioning in their own hearts and minds, and yet, are often left undiscussed,” Brierley said. “That is the point here at Premier Apologetics—to address these questions in an entertaining, clarifying and encouraging way for our viewers.”
The new season of “The Big Conversation” publicly launches April 7 (March 31 for Unbelievable? subscribers), featuring fresh episodes of leading researchers across the atheist and religious spectrum in high quality video debates and discussions.
“The Big Conversation” video series from Unbelievable? features world-class thinkers across the religious and atheist community discussing faith, science and what it means to be human. Unbelievable? has amassed millions of followers throughout the world, most notably in the UK, U.S., Canada and Australia. The series is produced by Premier Christian Media in partnership with the John Templeton Foundation.