Author and dynamic speaker, Troy Gramling, is a dedicated and  inspirational spiritual leader.  His breakout bestseller, “Potential: The Uncontainable Power of God Within You,” has inspired countless readers, igniting inspirational conversations about God-given potential.

Beyond his pastoral role, Troy Gramling is a multifaceted individual with a rich background. Before answering his divine calling, Troy honed his skills as a  college  basketball  player  and  later  as  a  coach,  where  he  undoubtedly sharpened the values of teamwork, discipline, and dedication, which he now imparts  to  his  congregation.  His  leadership  insight  is  evident  in  his exceptional  ability  to  develop  and  nurture  leaders  within  the  church community, ensuring that his ministry leaves a lasting legacy.

Troy  is  known for  his  innovative  and  unconventional  teaching  methods, which  captivate  and  inspire  his  congregation.  His  creative  approach  to spreading the message of Jesus resonates with people from all walks of life, making  the  profound  teachings  of  the  gospel  accessible  and  relevant  in today’s world.

His journey as a pastor is characterized by an unwavering commitment to his vision, fueled by a passion and a mission to partner with people to reach their God-given potential to impact the world for good. Troy has led Potential Church for more than two decades, overseeing its remarkable growth into a vibrant  congregation  of  over  20,000  members, with a far-reaching presence spanning the United States.


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