Four Tips for Better Social Engagement

How to Go from Broadcasting to Engaging

Most people spend 70 to 80 percent of our waking hours in some form of communication. Of that time, about 9 percent is spent writing, 16 percent reading, 30 percent speaking, and 45 percent listening.

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In the age of social media, “listening” may be better described as “scrolling,” and writing may not even include full sentences with proper punctuation, but rather emojis, abbreviations and brief 280-character thoughts.

It is estimated that by 2019, there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, SnapChat, WhatsApp, Pinterest … roughly three-quarters of the public (73 percent) uses more than one of the eight platforms, and the typical (median) American uses three of these sites.

Consumers and donors are on these platforms and for that reason alone, organizations and ministries should be, too.

Social media platforms provide an abundance of opportunity. Thanks to social media, anyone who has the desire can have a voice. People can now get their point across in 280 characters on Twitter, by publishing a Facebook post and by creating a 60-second video on Instagram or even a one-hour feed on IGTV.

You are likely already using social media in some capacity but are you using it to simply “broadcast” a message or are you truly creating engaging conversations?


Here are four tips to help you go from broadcasting to engaging, converging your message and audience via social media:


1. Be Informed

The first step in getting someone to engage with your brand is to stop them from scrolling. If you can stop your audience from thumbing their way down the newsfeed, you have their attention.

The best way to get that attention (and in turn, get engagement) is to post something they want to see.

Spend time researching your target audience – who they are, what they like and what they do. With that information, you will be better informed as to what they will want to see.


2. Be Unique

Many of us have a tendency to duplicate content across platforms. The problem is, when you post the same content on all platforms, you aren’t giving your audience a reason to engage.

Why would someone follow you on Facebook and Instagram if they are getting the same content on both platforms?

The key is to find ways to give value-added content across all platforms. This means using each platform’s unique properties to engage your audience.


3. Be personal

Ultimately, people turn to social media because they want to feel connected. This means you need to use your social media presence to connect people to your organization and its leaders.

Find ways to develop community. People are craving authenticity on social media, so above all, be authentic. Use social media to put a “face” with your organization. Show them the reality of what you are doing and help speak into their own felt needs.


4. Be aware

Practice social listening. Pay attention to people tagging you in posts or commenting on your posts. Engage with their comments. Again, put a personal touch to your organizational brand.

Keep up with conversations and what people are discussing around the world. Once you know what people are saying, you can insert yourself into the conversation. Through commenting, retweeting or messaging individuals who are speaking about you or topics about which you care, you can engage them further in conversation.