What is a brand story?

Why storytelling can grow a business

Everyone has a story but only 20 to 30 percent can effectively tell their story.
— Dina Zingaro

We were recently reminded of this while attending the annual Religion Newswriters Association Conference. It is a gathering our team joins every year that is full of interesting conversations about topics of faith and culture and how the best and brightest reporters are covering them.


During a fascinating breakout session on broadcasting and podcasting, Dina Zingaro, a producer for 60 Minutes, said her boss often reminds her that just because someone has a story, it doesn’t mean they can tell it in a compelling way.


This is so valuable for organizations to remember. Your brand has a story, but can you tell it in a way that multiplies its value and moves people to action?



The Power of Story


Our brains are hardwired to remember stories far better than facts and figures. This is the reason storytelling podcasts such as Serial, Longform and The Moth have skyrocketed in popularity. We all love a good story.


A good story pulls you into a narrative in just a few moments and keeps your attention until the end.


Think of some of the most memorable stories you have ever heard. We guarantee that nearly every story that comes to mind likely has three core elements:


  1. Intrigue – drawing the audience in with interesting characters, settings and suspense

  2. Conflict – presenting a problem that must be solved

  3. Resolution – solving the aforementioned problem by positioning a hero


Additionally, every story has a beginning, middle and end. Without these three parts, told in the correct order, the story won’t make sense.


The Secret Sauce for Your Brand’s Story


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As you look at your own organization’s story, the elements of good storytelling still apply. Brands must be able to draw audiences in, share the core issue they are seeking to address and compellingly show how they are the hero in solving this problem and making the world a better place.


But there is also a secret sauce that must be applied: authenticity.


A story that lacks an authentic voice, narrative or relatable subject matter will tragically fall flat and never impact the intended audience.


PR + Storytelling


As public relations practitioners, we know the value of good storytelling. By nature, we are storytellers.


We not only get to help our clients develop and communicate their own story through online and digital content, but we are constantly working to share the compelling stories of the organizations with which we partner to reporters in order to persuade them to, in turn, share those stories with their media audiences.


Taking time to understand your story is important, but even more critical is learning to communicate your story well.


Once you master this, you’ll have the ability to not only inspire others but ultimately motivate them to be part of your story. And that can change the world.