3 Keys to a Successful Online Event

Although COVID-19 has canceled in-person sporting events, concerts and other large gatherings for the foreseeable future, all hope is not lost for holding a successful event. Online events have a proven power to reach all kinds of audiences, and they are still very much a viable option through this pandemic and beyond. Rather than canceling your event for good, consider moving it to an online format and incorporating the following tips to generate awareness. 

  1. Show the Story.

Every event serves a unique purpose. Especially during these difficult times, online events are more valuable than ever, as they can serve as a way to connect distant individuals. Whatever the purpose behind your virtual event may be, it must be consistently communicated to make audiences care. 

In early 2020, before pandemic regulations really took surface in the U.S., the organization She Loves Out Loud held a highly successful online prayer event that united women from across the country. Part of what attracted so many to the event was that the voices behind She Loves Out Loud had been sharing the story and purpose of the event months before it took place. This effort created a She Loves Out Loud movement of women whose excitement for the event was able to build months prior, leading to an enthusiastic audience when the event took place. 

2. Create Grassroots Awareness. 

Word-of-mouth remains an incredibly powerful means of spreading the news, and during this season of social distancing when many people are spending lots of time talking to friends online and finding virtual entertainment, it has more potential than ever. In addition to sharing the story of the event, create grassroots awareness through email newsletters, text blasts and social media invites. When these efforts attract the attention of even a few potential participants, their excitement can create an exponential ripple effect. 

The key to making grassroots effort work for your event is persistence. People will need to be reminded several times that the event is coming before they notice or take an interest. Once you have secured some individuals who seem certain that they will participate in the online event, urge them to spread the word to their friends and family. It can also be beneficial to incentive the word-spreaders by offering them some kind of exclusive gift, such as a ticket discount, free t-shirt, etc. 

3. Start a Branded Social Media Movement. 

Amid state-wide lockdowns, people are spending a significantly higher amount of time on social media than they were pre-pandemic. There is no time like the present to push a branded social campaign for your upcoming online event. 

This step is where sharing the story of your event and creating grassroots awareness can combine as you use social media to remind audiences of the incoming event, why it will serve them and how they can participate. Consider creating a branded hashtag for the event, planning a social media strategy and investing money into boosted advertising. 

While online events may not attract the same audiences or serve the same purpose as in-person events, they are still highly effective, especially in our current coronavirus climate. 

Before tossing away all your hard work that went into planning your upcoming event, apply these three steps into promoting an online event instead. The results may surprise you.