How Faith Informs Our Daily Work By A. Larry Ross, Agency Founder & CEO

A. Larry Ross Communications (ALRC) operates at the intersection of faith and culture, enabling our Christian beliefs and values to drive and dictate the work that we do for each of our clients, regardless of whether they are faith-based, secular or a crossover combination of the two. 

My wife Autumn and I co-founded this Agency in 1994 when we took what she called, “a bungee jump for God.” Amid all the uncertainties that come with starting one’s own company, our faith and assurance of God being our Lord and Leader on whom we could always depend was what carried us through those early beginnings and continues to sustain and streamline the firm to this day.

Throughout the last 26 years as a company, we have grown in our understanding of how the faith on which our Agency was founded can inform our daily work as we seek to serve our communications partner clients in an uplifting, Christ-like manner. 

Continually honing our approach and transitioning from a faith-informed to a biblically-based work ethic throughout the Agency’s history has resulted in best-practices drawn from the wisdom found in Scripture as the ideal benchmark for everything we do. 

The following values and corresponding scriptural references act as the benchmark of excellence to which we refer when approaching client relationships, media interactions and internal team operations: 

  • A standard of work that is outstanding and passionate (Colossians 3:23-24);

  • A standard of relationships with both clients and media that are modeled and guided by a servant’s attitude (Mark 12:31);

  • A standard of collective professional expertise that strands with our years of experience, wisdom and discernment (Matthew 18:20);

  • A creative passion we embrace and model on a daily basis (James 1:17);

  • A creative brain trust we gratefully share with our client partners (Proverbs 2:6);

  • A creative solution presented to our clients with the highest level of integrity, honesty and commitment (Colossians 1:16).

We have found that including the whole counsel of God in our approach to work and account service has helped our team create a higher-level impact for our clients than would have otherwise been possible. Every other standard of excellence or industry best-practices is fallible and prone to change according to the finite features of this world. Neither human intellect, the economy, the stock market, nor even, as we’ve experienced in 2020, the ability to gather together as groups provide a stable groundwork on which to build. 

While ALRC is a for-profit company, our business has been built on the Bible and dedicated to biblical principles – both figuratively and literally ever since its humble beginnings when my wife and I stepped out in faith. 

Before the Agency moved into its current offices in 2006, the team members at the time met at the construction site for a prayer of dedication. Each employee placed a plastic-wrapped Bible open to their favorite passage(s) of Scripture in the dirt before the concrete floor was poured, symbolic of the fact our company was indeed founded on God’s Word.

 When we preemptively stand on the solid rock of God and His Word, which are unchanging, there is a sense of steadiness and an absolute standard from which we can always keep moving forward, regardless of circumstances, shifting public opinion or changes in culture.  

By A. Larry Ross, founder & CEO of A. Larry Ross Communications as part of the June, “a word from our founder,” blog series.