crisis communications

3 Innovations Developed During Crises

3 Innovations Developed During Crises

During these difficult days when many of us find ourselves feeling stuck or stir-crazy, it can be comforting to look back in time and learn about people who not only went through challenging circumstances comparable to this current pandemic but who were able to create amazing inventions despite the unprecedented scenarios in which they found themselves.

As you consider ways to cope with social distancing and months of quarantining, we encourage you to look to others who have gone before us and the creative ways in which they did not merely survive but thrived while experiencing external hardship.

The Streisand Effect and Letting Crises Die on the Vine

The Streisand Effect and Letting Crises Die on the Vine

This month, we’ve been discussing best practices for crisis communications and management, including the biblical way to combat a crisis in addition to how we can handle external disasters, such as COVID-19. Today, we’re highlighting an issue commonly seen and mishandled in crisis communication situations that is best explained by the Streisand Effect.

Why COVID-19 Shouldn’t Stop Us from Sharing Good News

Why COVID-19 Shouldn’t Stop Us from Sharing Good News

While it’s true that updates on COVID-19 need to be discussed and it is equally critical that consumers pay attention, what’s happening now highlights how the need to share other news is not negated by terrible circumstances. Now more than ever, this is a time for brand voices to speak up instead of stepping out and consider creative ways to continue speaking to their audiences.