Hope for the Heart Hosts Grief Symposium

Register for Virtual Event to Learn How to Cope with Grief During COVID-19

PLANO, Texas, April 19, 2021 – Hope for the Heart is hosting a virtual symposium, “Grief & Loss: Coping Day-to-Day in Our COVID World,” on May 26 to provide biblical hope and practical help for the everyday challenges that come with grief.

Due to COVID-19, grief is rampant across the country. There is an urgent need to address the ever present sense of loss and despair that many are feeling. As grief is something that everyone has to walk through eventually, this webinar is widely relevant.

“We all need resources to become equipped on how to respond when those around us are hurting,” said Dr. Eric Scalise, Chief Strategy Officer for Hope for the Heart. “Learning what to say or what not to say and how to behave may be the most helpful thing we can do for those we care about.”

The virtual live steam will take place at 7:00 p.m. on May 26, and the discussion will be led by Hope for the Heart Founder June Hunt, along with Dr. Scalise. They will cover topics including how to help others who are grieving, practical steps for coping with loss, and common misconceptions and the stages of grief, among many others.

The live stream will benefit anyone who has experienced loss and is looking for hope and how to make sense of grief. It will also aid people struggling with pandemic related losses or individuals wanting to help others or gain biblical insight on loss and God’s plan through grief.

“The Bible offers guidance and teaches us many lessons on grief,” Hunt said. “Diving into God’s word gives us a resource to cope with loss in the healthiest possible way.”

The cost for the event is $19. Upon registration, attendees will also receive a free coupon code for an additional video course on grief. The video provides practical guidance and biblical insight on making sense of grief and processing emotions, while offering tips to help others move through the stages of grief with peace and hope. For more information or to sign up, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/grief-and-loss-coping-day-to-day-in-our-covid-world-registration-145306177689.

About June Hunt & Dr. Eric Scalise
June Hunt, M.A., is an author, counselor, speaker and Founder of Hope for the Heart, a worldwide biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling ministry. Her lifework has yielded landmark contributions in the fields of Christian counseling and Christian radio broadcasting as the host of the award winning radio program, Hope in the Night. Hope for the Heart’s biblical resources, including the 100-topic Keys for Living Library and Lifeline to Hope Lay Caregiving Video Courses provide biblical hope and practical help for everyday challenges.

Eric Scalise, Ph.D., is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with 40 years of clinical, professional, and ministry experience. Dr. Scalise, Hope for the Heart’s Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, is a published author and national/international speaker who frequently works with organizations, clinicians, ministry leaders, and churches globally. He is also the Course Developer and Lead Trainer of Lifeline to Hope, the lay caregiving video training courses from Hope for the Heart.

About Hope for the Heart
Hope for the Heart is a ministry providing biblical hope and practical help for everyday problems, with the goal to equip individuals with the help and hope needed to face life problems and difficult trials, as well as to equip and encourage others. Focused on using biblical resources, Hope for the Heart was founded by June Hunt in 1986. What began as a simple desire to help people find answers to life’s toughest challenges has grown into a worldwide ministry of hope. For nearly 35 years, God has used Hope for the Heart to change countless lives through its radio broadcasts, counseling services, international outreach and biblical resources on 100 topics spanning more than 35 languages in over 60 countries.



Media Contact:
Melany Ethridge, 214-912-8934