Leading Bible Study Platform ‘Logos’ Leans into Long and Respected History with Brand Reposition

Focuses on Primary Mission: Taking People Deeper into the Bible

BELLINGHAM, Wash., July 7, 2023 — Logos, the most widely used Bible study and sermon preparation platform available, today announced its exit from the church management space along with Logos’s returned focus to growing and expanding its long-valued suite of Bible-focused applications, tools, curriculum and content.

Having sunset its church management products marketed under the Faithlife brand, including Equip, Live Stream, Giving and Sites, Logos will now move into the spotlight as the company’s primary public-facing brand encompassing the Logos Bible Study App, Proclaim, Lexham Press, and other products.

Founded in 1991, Logos released the first Logos Bible Study App the following year, greatly advancing how theological learners consume Scripture. From there, the company expanded into digital books, other digital content and tools before formally changing its name to Faithlife in 2014. Yet, the Logos Bible Study App continues to be the name and product for which the company is best known.

“While we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in the church management space, it’s time to return to what we’ve always done best — continuing to develop a robust slate of Bible study applications and content,” said Phil Gons, Head of Product. “Logos recognizes the importance of responding to users' needs and adapting to the rapidly changing world around us where technology solutions are more important in supporting ministry expansion than ever before."

Logos remains the industry leader in using technology to amplify the way pastors, scholars, students and lifelong learners worldwide deepen their understanding of the Word of God.

“We’re returning our focus to what has always been our primary mission — taking people deeper into the Bible,” noted Vik Rajagopal, Chief Executive Officer. “We’re excited to lean into the long and respected history of Logos as we strive to aid both individuals who have used our platform for years as well as new users who will discover simplified and amplified theological learning.”

Logos’s vision is to improve biblical understanding and accessibility for every Christian around the world and assist anyone with a desire to dive deeper into the intricacies of God's Word. With today’s announcement, they are now going back to focusing on that passion.

About Logos

Logos is the most popular brand in the world for Christians looking to go deeper in their Bible study. Since its launch in 1992, millions of pastors, scholars, students and lifelong learners have used the Logos platform to write sermons and papers, prepare small group lessons, explore tough or complex topics, and study the Bible carefully, digging deep for the riches found inside. Enjoyed by renowned leaders including John Piper, Christine Caine, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Dr. David Jeremiah, Justo González, Miles McPherson and Lisa Bevere, to name a few, Logos enables users to obtain seminary-level knowledge and training anytime, anywhere and on just about any device. 

Re-Encounter the Gospel in ‘Evangelism: For the Care of Souls’

Sean McGever’s Biblical Wisdom on Being ‘Evangelized and Re-Evangelized' for Leaders in the Faith

BELLINGHAM, Wash., May 1, 2023 — Urging ministers see the Gospel as the heart of soul care, author Sean McGever has released his latest book, “Evangelism: For the Care of Souls,” available on May 17 within Lexham Ministry Guides, a series of resources designed to offer practical, proven wisdom to those in ministry leadership. Edited by esteemed author Harold L. Senkbeil, this valuable piece of literature written by McGever brilliantly builds upon Senkbeil’s previous award-winning book, “The Care of Souls.”

In “Evangelism: For the Care of Souls,” McGever reminds ministers that announcing—and re-announcing—the good news of Jesus is central to pastoral care. Not only does the Gospel change us at the very moment of our salvation, but it also transforms us throughout the course of our lives, serving as the ongoing balm and cure of our hearts throughout our lifetime.  

“Evangelism is not a one-time confrontational conversation, though it can be,” writes McGever. “Evangelism is at the heart of the ongoing work of pastoral care, inviting outsiders into the flock of the church and reminding insiders of the heart of the ongoing life of faith.”

Avoiding a simplistic, manipulative or guilt-inducing message, “Evangelism: For the Care of Souls presents a vision and strategy for ministers to evangelize in a way that is refreshing, biblical and sustainable. 

Speaking deeply to the hearts of leaders in ministry, McGever offers profound wisdom on how the Gospel compels Christians to “announce Jesus” to the world in their everyday lives, within and beyond their local church communities, in order to spread revival. He also dives into the concept of the “urgent patience” produced from authentic, transformative salvation in Jesus, a worship-filled mindset that leads believers continually back to the cross, seeking the heart of God through His Word and prayer.

“Revival happens every minute, hour, day, week, month and year,” McGever shared in a recent Logos blog post. “This is because God is always active in bringing life to people. Humans are brought to life when the Word is presented through the power of the Spirit.”

“Evangelism: For the Care of Souls is available on May 17 from Lexham Press. For more information, visit https://lexhampress.com/product/231114/evangelism-for-the-care-of-souls.

About Sean McGever

Sean McGever is area director for Young Life in Phoenix, Arizona, and an adjunct faculty at Grand Canyon University. He is the author of The Good News of Our Limits and Born Again: The Evangelical Theology of Conversion in John Wesley and George Whitefield. He speaks, teaches, and ministers across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. 

Lexham Ministry Guides

The Lexham Ministry Guides, edited by Harold L. Senkbeil, offer practical, proven wisdom for the church. But wisdom takes time. The authors in this series developed their wisdom through years of ministry experience and conversations with colleagues. These books invite you to enter into these conversations to better serve the Savior’s sheep and lambs with confidence. You will find hands-on tools, lessons from years of ministry experience, and an array of resources to apply to your own ministry context.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

 About Lexham Press   

Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources. For information, visit lexhampress.com.  

Author Hans Boersma Retrieves Ancient Meditative Practices to Engage with the Living Word in a Fresh Way

Author Hans Boersma Retrieves Ancient Meditative Practices to Engage with the Living Word in a Fresh Way

BELLINGHAM, Wash., April 17, 2023 — Inviting Christians to a fresh encounter with the Bible based on an ancient way of reading the Scriptures, experienced preacher, theologian and author, Hans Boersma, has written “Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition,” available April 19, 2023 from Lexham Press.

Scripture engagement in America is at an all-time low. While 77% of U.S. adults own a Bible, only 39% are classified as active “Bible Users.” According to a report by State of the Bible, nearly 26 million Americans decreased or stopped interacting with Scripture in 2022, 11% lower than the previous year. 

“Pierced by Love,” encourages Christians to intimately engage with God’s Word to experience a personal, spiritual encounter with Him. Affirming that the Bible is not a human book, but rather Holy text, Boersma asserts it must be approached with Holy-minded reading, something the ancient church demonstrated for us which we can adopt and benefit from today.

Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been Lectio Divina, or “divine reading.”

In “Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition,” Boersma encourages Christians to read the Bible using this meditative and deliberate approach, which aims to take us more deeply into the life of God.

“The Scriptures are holy – set aside for a unique purpose,” writes Boersma. “Scripture is divine in that it has a special place within the Church. Lectio Divina simply means reading the Bible the way it’s supposed to be read – as divine Scripture.”

Through practicing the four movements of Lectio Divina — attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting — we have a structured and mindful way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit and rest in God’s love.

Drawing insights from our forefathers, such as Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury and Bernard of Clairvaux, “Pierced by Love” inspires Christians to join the Church’s rich heritage of transformative reading.

“Of course, God can reveal himself however, whenever and to whomever he wants, no matter the path we ourselves have taken,” notes Boersma. “But our job is to turn back, time and again, to the regular practices of reading, meditation and prayer. It is in the incarnate Christ, made known in biblical words, that we witness the self-revelation of God’s love.”

“Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition” is available April 19 from Lexham Press. For more information, visit https://lexhampress.com/product/229469/pierced-by-love-divine-reading-with-the-christian-tradition.

About Lexham Press 

Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources. For information, visit lexhampress.com

About Hans Boersma

Hans Boersma is the Saint Benedict Servants of Christ Chair in Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House in Wisconsin, a priest in the Anglican Church in North America, and the author of numerous books, including “Seeing God,” “Heavenly Participation,” and “Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew.”  

‘The Nicene Creed: An Introduction’ From Lexham Press Explains Significance of Popular Profession of Faith

Philosophy Professor Phillip Cary Affirms Ancient Text’s Relevance for Today  

BELLINGHAM, Wash., April 10, 2023 — To help believers articulate their faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, seasoned author, philosopher and professor Phillip Cary has released “The Nicene Creed: An Introduction,” available now from Lexham Press. 

For centuries, the Nicene Creed has been central to the Christian Church’s confession. Far from being abstract or irrelevant, the words of the Creed carefully express what God has done in Christ and through the Spirit and gives biblical Christians words for what they believe.

“The Nicene Creed is a summary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Cary. “It brings me great joy, and I wanted to make that joy accessible to those who may be unfamiliar with it.”

One of the most famous and influential professions of faith in the history of the church, the biblically inspired Creed encapsulates the entire good news of the gospel and ultimately settles the question of how Christians can worship one God who is three persons. In “The Nicene Creed: An Introduction,” Cary explores the Creed’s riches with simplicity and clarity, explaining its history and meaning line by line.

Offering precise and profound insight, Cary invites readers to gain a fresh appreciation for how the Nicene Creed came to be and why it is still relevant today. As an astute student of the Bible, he successfully brings meaning back to the Creed for those from more liturgical traditions for whom it has become rote, while also introducing it to those from more evangelical, contemporary churches who may not be as familiar with it.

Cary asserts that when we profess the Creed, we join the global Church throughout history in declaring the name and work of the one God — Father, Son and Spirit. 

Adds Cary, “This is a book for those who want to understand their faith better, and thus to grow in the knowledge of God, by learning what the ancient teachers of the Nicene faith had to give us.”

Praised as an essential addition to the libraries of Christians, “The Nicene Creed: An Introduction” is available now from Lexham Press. For more information, visit https://lexhampress.com/product/224267/the-nicene-creed-an-introduction.  

About Lexham Press 

Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources. For information, visit lexhampress.com

About Phillip Cary

Phillip Cary is professor of philosophy at Eastern University in Philadelphia and author of several books, including “Good News for Anxious Christians” and “The Meaning of Protestant Theology.”

‘I’m a Christian – Now What?’ From Lexham Press Helps New Believers Make Sense of Their Life with Jesus

Aaron Armstrong Offers Practical, Friendly Advice to Navigate Newfound Faith  

BELLINGHAM, Wash., March 6, 2023 — Speaking to the questions and insecurities many new believers experience, author Aaron Armstrong has released “I’m a Christian – Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ,” from Lexham Press.

Today’s cultural climate, specifically as it relates Christianity, offers a unique opportunity for the Church to disciple new believers.  According to Lifeway Research, American society is rapidly trending post-Christian. In addition, 39% of Christians are not actively engaged in discipleship, which is an essential part of spiritual growth.

Despite the gloom that Christians might feel when confronted with these realities, there is hope. People—especially younger generations—increasingly desire to grow spiritually. “I’m a Christian – Now What?” is the perfect resource to help those new to faith on their journey.

“We have an opportunity to come alongside those who want to understand and to grow, and help them discover what it means to follow Jesus faithfully,” says Armstrong.

After taking the leap of faith, many new believers find themselves stuck in mid-air, unsure how to proceed as a new version of their former self. Using whimsical yet sobering storytelling, Armstrong’s latest book helps them place both feet on the solid ground secured for us in Christ.

“Just as the early years of a child’s development are the most crucial, so too are our early years as Christians,” writes Armstrong. “In a very real way, when you become a Christian, especially when you’re coming to faith as an adult, you’re starting life over from scratch. You’re a grown up in your body, but a child in your faith, which means these early weeks, months and years are critical.”

Writing from the perspective of someone who was there not long ago, Armstrong graciously, yet bluntly, addresses the cultural inconveniences and behavior changes which accompany a decision to live for Jesus. Honest, scriptural and relatable, “I’m a Christian – Now What?” is a must-read for those who’ve discovered their faith and seek to earnestly live by it.

Filled with simple steps to grow in your faith, foundational truths of Christianity and helpful stories from Armstrong’s own conversion, the book addresses natural questions, such as:

  • Where am I going and how do I get there?

  • What does it mean to be the same person, but not?

  • What does this mean for my life, my relationships, my job, my everything?

“I’m a Christian – Now What? A Guide to Your New Life with Christ” from Lexham Press is now available. For more information, visit https://lexhampress.com/product/229471/im-a-christian-now-what-a-guide-to-your-new-life-with-christ

About Lexham Press

Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources. For information, visit lexhampress.com.

About Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong is a Canadian living in the United States. He serves at his local church as a small group leader, a children’s ministry teacher, and an occasional Sunday morning teacher. He loves to write, especially to help people grow as followers of Jesus. He is the author of multiple books and has written several documentaries. For more information, visit https://aaronarmstrong.co/.  

Lexham Press to Release ‘Pastor, Jesus is Enough’ Applying the Heart of the Gospel to the Heart of Pastors

Jeremy Writebol Offers Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out and the Broken

BELLINGHAM, Wash., February 27, 2023 — To bring biblical clarity to the job description of today’s pastors and challenge them to fulfill it through Jesus’ sufficiency, author and pastor Jeremy Writebol has written “Pastor, Jesus is Enough,” releasing March 15 from Lexham Press.

Today, many pastors and ministry leaders are deeply impacted by the weight of their job responsibilities. A 2022 Barna study revealed that 42% of pastors considered resigning within the past year due to stress and burnout, increasing 29% from the previous year in 2021.

Speaking deeply to the hearts of pastors who are trying to shepherd in a pandemic-shaped world, Writebol invites readers to hear the words of the risen Jesus in the seven letters within Revelation 2–3. Typically studied as exhortations directed to churches, Writebol explores how they also speak to pastors by addressing seven key truths:

  • Pastors love Jesus most;

  • Pastors suffer;

  • Pastors teach and tell the truth;

  • Pastors become like Jesus;

  • Pastors abide in Jesus;

  • Pastors find their value in Jesus; and

  • Pastors repent.

“These seven letters are love letters from Jesus to pastors, and the more I think about it, the more that seems right,” shares Writebol. “Certainly, they aren’t syrupy and sappy letters, but they are nonetheless evidence of Jesus’ care and concern for the pastors who lead His Church.”

Whether pastors are hurting or straying, “Pastor, Jesus is Enough” shares how Jesus draws near to them and reminds them of his sufficiency. In these warnings and promises, Jesus has hard words for pastors, but they’re words of life. Most of all, Jesus urges pastors to keep their focus on Him.

“These letters are the very Word of God for pastors today, like me and you, striving to be enough and yet forgetting to remember that we have a Savior who is absolutely enough,” says Writebol. “But pastor, the good news is that you cannot be enough. Because only Jesus is enough.”

Full of biblical, practical wisdom for faithful ministry, “Pastor, Jesus is Enough” releases March 15 from Lexham Press. For more information, visit https://lexhampress.com/product/229473/pastor-jesus-is-enough-hope-for-the-weary-the-burned-out-and-the-broken.

About Lexham Press

Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources. For information, visit lexhampress.com.

About Jeremy Writebol

Jeremy Writebol is the lead campus pastor of Woodside Bible Church in Plymouth, Michigan, and executive director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship. He is the author of “everPresent: How the Gospel Relocates Us in the Present.”

Leading Bible Platform Launches ‘Logos Inclusive Access’ for Educational Resources

Logos Provides Affordable Digital Course Materials Grounded in the Bible

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Feb. 20, 2023 — To ensure that every student has the resources they need from the first day of their higher education experience, Logos has harnessed its Bible platform expertise to improve how students acquire the materials needed to be successful in their studies through Logos Inclusive Access.

A new digital platform, Logos Inclusive Access partners with educational institutions to relieve their students’ burden of purchasing books on their own, often resulting in them obtaining outdated textbooks at a price they can’t afford. With Logos Inclusive Access, everything a student needs is available with the click of a button in the interconnected platform that seamlessly integrates with a school’s Learning Management System.

“We want to support colleges, universities and theological seminaries as they welcome students on a journey to become lifelong learners,” shared Brian Ellerbach, Director of Academic Sales for Logos. “Ensuring that every student has access to the books and tools they need can be a challenge. What if their course materials could appear across all their devices from the first day of class? This is the motivation behind Logos Inclusive Access.”

The platform provides powerful search capabilities, automatic citations and instant bibliography tools. Every book added to the platform arms students with meaningful resources. The more resources an institution chooses to place in its digital library, the more prepared its students will be for classes and their future. 

For more than 25 years, Logos Bible Software has been a trusted and valued resource in supporting students, theologians and those in ministry in their study of the Bible. Building upon this reputation as an active partner in education, Logos Inclusive Access can equip schools to:

·       Provide digital course materials to students on or before the first day of class

·       Save money compared to print textbooks

·       Require the same texts as usual, but get them to students sooner

·       Customize a digital library to fit a school’s needs

·       Equip students with software they keep for life

·       Provide biblical reference works for academic study

“Today’s students face rising costs for their higher education experience,” notes Ellerbach. “Textbooks should be a gateway to our students’ future, not a barrier to entry. When educational institutions choose to give their students lifetime access to the textbooks and other features in Logos, they position themselves to stand out and attract students.”

In addition to Liberty University, several other higher education institutions are already using Logos Inclusive Access, including Appalachian Bible College, Valor Christian College, Johnson University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Rockbridge Seminary, to name a few.

For more information about Logos Inclusive Access, visit logos.com/academic-solutions.

About Logos

Logos is Faithlife’s premier product and the preferred Bible study tool for pastors, scholars, students and lifelong learners worldwide who want to dive deeper into the intricacies of God’s Word. Used by renowned faith leaders including John Piper, Christine Caine, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Dr. David Jeremiah, Justo González, Miles McPherson and Lisa Bevere, to name a few, Logos enables users to obtain seminary-level knowledge and training at a low cost. To learn more about Logos, visit logos.com.

Logos Launches Latest Version Designed to Help Readers ‘Live in the Word’

Logos Launches Latest Version Designed to Help Readers ‘Live in the Word’

Logos, the most widely used Bible study and sermon preparation platform available, today released its highly anticipated new version, Logos 10. With a sleek and modern design and lightning-fast speed, Logos 10 is designed for the global Church and includes multiple new features geared to help users engage more deeply with the Bible whether they have five minutes or five hours.

Faithlife Restructures Leadership Team for Continued Growth and Service to the Church

Co-Founder Bob Pritchett Transitions to Executive Chairman, Promotes Vik Rajagopal as CEO

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Jan. 6, 2022 – In honor of its 30th anniversary, Faithlife, the leading Church technology company and makers of Logos Bible Software, is restructuring its leadership team as it continues to meet the needs of Christian leaders worldwide. Co-founder and current CEO Bob Pritchett is transitioning to the new role of Executive Chairman while Vik Rajagopal, current CFO, moves into the CEO role.

“January marks 30 years from Faithlife’s formal incorporation and my official start date as CEO, and I’m proud to say today we are positioned to grow faster and to serve even more Bible students and churches than ever before,” said Pritchett. “This transition to Executive Chairman allows me to focus on company-wide initiatives and new products and services while positioning Vik to take the reins and further Faithlife’s ability to impact our customers. I’m excited about this new season and how it will allow us to make an even bigger difference in the world as we help individuals grow in the light of the Bible.”

Bob Pritchett serves as Executive Chairman of Faithlife.

Pritchett developed his first Bible software program, which allowed users to search a digital King James Bible, at age 15. In 1991, Pritchett and a friend created the first version of Logos Bible Software and in 1992 founded Logos Research Systems, which would later be rebranded as Faithlife. Today, Faithlife offers an array of innovative apps, software, books and educational tools that foster growth in churches and individuals by keeping Scripture at the center.

Rajagopal steps into the CEO position with extensive leadership experience and a passion for equipping and serving the global Church. Before joining Faithlife in December 2020 as Chief Financial Officer, Rajagopal spent 10 years at Amazon where he held leadership roles across finance, retail leadership and product management. Prior to Amazon, Rajagopal was an investment banker in Wells Fargo Securities’ middle-market group. Rajagopal earned his B.A. in History from Yale University and MBA. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.  He serves as an advisor to Petros Network, a Christian nonprofit that equips indigenous leaders in developing nations to lift their unreached communities through spiritual, social and economic transformation.

Vik Rajagopal serves as CEO of Faithlife.

“I am honored to move into this role, particularly as now more than ever Church leaders are in need of digital tools to engage and disciple their communities,” said Rajagopal. “For three decades, Bob has invested his time and expertise into growing this company, and I am excited to work together with him to find continued ways to serve the Church through technological solutions built on the Bible. It’s been a pleasure working with Bob and the Faithlife team over the last year, and I look forward to continuing to find new and differentiated ways to meet the needs of our customers and serve the global Church.”

The formal transition took place on Jan. 1, 2022. To learn more about Faithlife, visit https://faithlife.com/.

About Faithlife
Faithlife, based in Bellingham, Washington, with offices in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Mexico, has been using technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible for more than 25 years. Since 1992, Faithlife has developed a full suite of church management tools, academic study resources, smart digital books, and Logos Bible Software, all part of its integrated ministry platform that automates tasks and simplifies workflows.

For more information, visit faithlife.com.

Faithlife to Host Webinar to Help Church Leaders Beat the Summer Giving Slump

May 26 Event Provides Info on Tech Tools and Resources

BELLINGHAM, Wash., May 17, 2021 - Faithlife, the makers of Logos Bible Software, will host “How to Boost Church Giving and Break the Summer Slump,” a free, live, webinar on May 26 at 10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT. The event will address the challenge church leaders face each summer with changes in giving, explain the reasons behind this trend, and provide insight and tips on how to combat it. 

“On top of the pandemic, the disrupted routine of summer creates ebbs and flows in church attendance that trickles down into all aspects of ministry, including giving,” said Faithlife Co-founder and CEO Bob Pritchett. “Faithlife wants to  help church leaders  solve problems they may be facing, such as giving slumps, by equipping them with information and resources that allow them to multiply their ministry efforts.”

The May 26 webinar will inform church leaders and specifically highlight the following topics:

  • How to overcome members’ top 3 objections to giving;

  • What you can do to keep church giving top of mind; and

  • How a couple of small changes remove barriers to giving. 

To register for the webinar visit, https://grow.faithlife.com/giving/webinar/summerslump

Faithlife recently conducted a survey that revealed interesting details on church giving, particularly how it shifted in 2020. According to the data, compiled from nearly 450 church leader responses:

  • One-fourth of churches had to cut their budgets by 10% or more in 2020. This was most common in larger churches (350+) compared to smaller congregations.

  • Nearly one-fourth of churches reported that they started using online giving for the first time in 2020.

  • Of online donations, 27% were set up as recurring gifts. Thus far in 2021, 27% of online donations originated from a scheduled gift. Back in April to June 2020, this dropped to 19%, but it quickly rose again in the late summer of 2020.

For the past 30 years, Faithlife has been developing technology solutions to help churches grow in light of the Bible. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Faithlife’s products became crucial for churches of all sizes that were forced to navigate the shift of being the church online. 

“It is difficult enough to learn how to navigate a pandemic for yourself and family, but figuring out how to guide a church is another story,” said Pritchett. “Church leaders have been challenged but it is key for them to know there are benefits to educating themselves and utilizing the available resources out there.”

In April 2021, Faithlife released its newest, first-of-its-kind online integrated ministry platform, Faithlife Equip, which integrates tools and content to support every leader in the church while also providing congregant resources for spiritual growth, church involvement and community connectivity.

To learn more about Faithlife Equip, visit https://faithlife.com/products/equip

About Faithlife
Faithlife, based in Bellingham, Washington, with offices in Arizona and Mexico, has been using technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible for 30 years. Since 1992, Faithlife has developed a full suite of church management tools, academic study resources, smart digital books, and Logos Bible Software, all part of its integrated ministry platform that automates tasks and simplifies workflows. For more information, visit Faithlife.com.


Faithlife Launches Equip, a First-in-Category Integrated Ministry Platform

Faithlife Launches Equip, a First-in-Category Integrated Ministry Platform

Faithlife, the church technology company and makers of Logos Bible Software, released the newest, first-of-its-kind online integrated ministry platform, Faithlife Equip. Unlike anything currently available on the market, Faithlife Equip integrates tools and content to support every leader in the church -- from the senior pastor and worship leader to the children’s director and administrator -- while providing congregant resources for spiritual growth, church involvement and community connectivity.

Data Reveals Most Popular Worship Songs and Sermon Topics of 2020

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Jan. 11, 2021 - Data compiled by Faithlife, makers of integrated church technology products including Logos Bible Software, in the Year-End Song & Sermon Report provides insight into the worship songs, sermon topics and Scriptures most prevalent in churches across North America throughout 2020 and during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The 2020 Faithlife data highlights the relevancy of church leaders in meeting the needs of their congregants and community during a difficult year,” said Bob Pritchett, co-founder and CEO of Faithlife. “The words of the top worship songs and most used topics of the sermons were speaking to the issues of the day in order to offer comfort among the chaos.”

Worship Song Trends 
The most popular worship song in 2020 was “Way Maker” by Nigerian gospel singer Sinach, according to the data from Faithlife Proclaim, Faithlife’s church presentation software. 

“Way Maker” reached its peak popularity with Proclaim users the weekend of March 22, 2020, when almost 7% of all worship presentations included the song. “Build My Life” by Pat Barrett (the top song in 2019) was the second most popular, followed by “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” by Matt Redman.


An analysis of songs bringing comfort to churches during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic shows an interesting mix of modern and historic hymns such as “It is Well with My Soul” and “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” as well as “His Mercy Is More,” by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa. Other new songs on the list include “Goodness of God,” released in early 2019 by Bethel Music and Jenn Johnson, “King of Kings” by Hillsong Worship, and “See a Victory” by Elevation Worship.

Top Songs of Comfort.png

Sermon Topic Trends
According to data from ​Faithlife Sermons,​ there were nearly 200 different topics, including ​loneliness,​ ​friendship​, ​fear,​ ​contentment or ​leadership, represented in at least 100 sermons throughout 2020.​ The most common topics included ​God,​ ​Jesus,​ ​love,​ ​faith,​ ​power​ and​ glory​. 

Early in April, during the beginning stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and in anticipation of Easter, topics of ​fear, prayer, faith, suffering, comfort, grief, stress, and church ​were all trending.

Government, justice, freedom, anger, ​and ​judgment peaked in the summer months when there was a wave of civil unrest, including protests and riots following the death of George Floyd. By fall, church fellowship, service, church leadership, work, a​nd ​election w​ere most trending with peace a​nd ​hope having the largest overall sermon trend of the year with peak popularity in December, the season of Advent.

Sermon Topics.png

Data Information
Worship music trends are based on data from Faithlife Proclaim​ Church Presentation Software across the over 2.2 million times churches sang 7,000-plus songs together in more than 568,000 services. Insight into what topics and Scriptures pastors preached about in 2020 were compiled using data from over 60,000 sermons posted to ​Faithlife Sermons of which 75% included topic tags created by the author that describe an idea, person, or theological concept covered.

Additional data in the report includes songs that gained popularity in accordance with key calendar dates, including Easter. Father’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the top 10 most-preached Scriptures in 2020.

To download the full Year-End Song & Sermon Report from Faithlife, visit Faithlife.com/songs.

About Faithlife
Faithlife, based in Bellingham, Washington, with offices in Arizona and Mexico, has been using technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible for more than 25 years. Since 1992, Faithlife has developed a full suite of church management tools, academic study resources, smart digital books, and Logos Bible Software, all part of its integrated ministry platform that automates tasks and simplifies workflows. For more information, visit Faithlife.com.


Media Contact:
Melany Ethridge