‘Faith in the Wilderness’ Helps Western Christians Learn About Living for Christ Amid Suffering and Trials 

Readers to be Convicted, Encouraged and Edified by Testimonies of Chinese Christians 


To share valuable lessons learned by members of the Chinese church, co-editors Hannah Nation and Simon Liu have assembled a volume of sermonic letters entitled, “Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church,” releasing April 27 from Kirkdale Press, an imprint of Lexham Press. 


Unlike any other book available, “Faith in the Wilderness” offers unique insights in the form of testimonies, reflections and exhortations and pulls back the curtain of the Chinese house church movement, revealing their remarkable faithfulness and steadfast hope in Christ amid difficulties. The stories offered by brothers and sisters in Christ in the Chinese Church can teach Western Christians profound lessons about how God meets us in suffering. 


“While persecution is one form of suffering that Western Christians associate with the Chinese house church, for Chinese Christians, suffering is a complex and multifaceted issue that now includes the pandemic as well,” explains Nation. “To obtain desperately needed perspective, we must listen to the voices of believers in parts of the world where the opposition is much more pervasive and often takes the form of violence.” 


The suffering of the Chinese churches can help Western Christians think anew what Christian witness really means. While readers may experience conviction as they open their hearts to the messages of the Chinese church, there is a theme of encouragement throughout the testimonies and reflections of “Faith in the Wilderness.” 


“If heeded, the counsel offered through this book could have a significant impact on the global church,” encourages Nation. “Let us learn from the witness of our Chinese brothers and sisters so that we can stand fast all the better as we face trials wherever we live and run the race with endurance.”  


For more information about “Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church,” visit lexhampress.com/wilderness


About Hannah Nation 

Hannah Nation serves as Managing Director for the Center for House Church Theology and as Content Director for China Partnership. Nation is co-editor of “Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church” and “Grace to the City: Studies in the Gospel from China.” 

About Simon Liu 

Simon Liu is a pastor and mentor to pastors in China. Over the past decade, he has been involved in over 140 church plants across China. 

About Kirkdale Press 

Kirkdale Press publishes books that will strengthen relationships between God and his people, increase biblical literacy within the church, and put the Word into action in the lives of everyday Christians. For more information, visit https://kirkdalepress.com/