New Book Challenges a ‘Less is More’ Mentality

Wilfredo De Jesùs, ‘Pastor Choco,’ Helps Readers Experience Life to the Fullest in Move Into More

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 7, 2017 — The newest trend has us clearing out clutter to be happier, but in Move Into More: The Limitless Surprises of a Faithful God (Zondervan, ISBN 978-0-310-34992-1), which simultaneously releases in English and Spanish on April 24, 2018, Wilfredo De Jesús, who is affectionately known as Pastor Choco, shares a secret. God doesn’t want us to have less; He wants us to experience more.

“Our culture throws around the hashtag #blessed often referring to the material, physical, concrete items we enjoy, but the Bible has a different definition of a blessing,” says Pastor Choco. “The blessings that come from God are spiritual peace and contentment, joy and purpose. These blessings lead to the abundant life of ‘more’ that God has in store for each person who believes and trusts in Him.”

In October 2017, TIME magazine, which named Pastor Choco one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2013, wrote about Pastor Choco and his church’s efforts on behalf of Puerto Rico after devastating hurricanes. Pastor Choco would describe these efforts as blessing others which is a result and a requirement for experiencing God’s more. 

“Being apart of the solution to someone else’s real problem is much more satisfying than solving any of my first-world problems. We are blessed not to hoard his gifts for our own selfish gain but to bless others with what he has given us,” writes Pastor Choco. “You can be a blessing to others simply by speaking kind words, by volunteering your time, by giving of your financial resources, by sharing your possessions, by giving food or sharing your testimony. As you empty yourself and pour into somebody’s life, God pours into you!”

In Move Into More, Pastor Choco shares his own life story as well as historical examples of biblical figures who experienced the power of God’s “more.” Pastor Choco tells readers that they, too, have been marked by God, to experience a more abundant life than the one they are currently living.

“Jesus told us, ’I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly’ (John 10:10 ESV),” writes Pastor Choco. ”This rich, full, satisfying life is not about wealth and material possessions. It’s not about fame and celebrity or political power. God’s more is far better! It’s infinite—there’s no ceiling on what God can do when you let him.”“

Pastor Choco warns of the dangers of filling our lives with our wants and desires, and how when we do so, we make no room for God’s more. Business, fear, worry and pride keep us from living the abundant life God has for us.

“Don’t cling to all the toys weighing you down,” Pastor Choco said. “God does not want you to stay there. He wants you to keep on pushing. And for you to keep on moving, you must throw off what’s weighing you down. Sacrifice the very things in your life that hinder your relationship with God. You’ll never know what you will gain until you’re willing to lose everything for God!”

About Pastor Choco: Pastor Choco is the Senior Pastor of New Life Covenant Church, one of the fastest growing churches in Chicago and the largest Assemblies of God church in the United States. The main campus resides in one of Chicago’s Puerto Rican neighborhoods and many of the church members are Puerto Rican descent, including Pastor Choco and his wife.

Move Into More will release April 24, 2018. The Spanish edition of the book, Dios No Tiene Límites (ISBN: 9780829767759), will also release on April 24, 2018.

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