OneRace Movement to Host Press Conference Denouncing Racism, Uniting Pastors

Faith Leaders across Atlanta Unite to Reaffirm Commitment to Uphold Dignity and Value of Every Person, Call Politicians to Respond

ATLANTA, May 29, 2020 The OneRace Movement, which two years ago hosted the historic OneRace Stone Mountain event calling people of faith to gather in unity and repent of racism and division, will host a press conference on Monday, June 1, to remind faith leaders of their commitments, and to call local politicians to create legislation denouncing racism, releasing “The OneRace Statement on Righteousness and Justice: A call to end Racial Violence.”

The press conference will be held on Monday, June 1, at 1 p.m. EDT on Liberty Plaza in front of the State Capitol in downtown Atlanta at 206 Washington St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. Participants will include several local pastors, including Lee Jenkins of The Eagle’s Nest, Dennis Rouse of Victory Church, Billy Humphrey of New Bridge Church and Atlanta House of Prayer, and Garland Hunt of The Father’s House. As Georgia is one of only four states in the U.S. that does not have a law-making crimes targeting any specific group of people hate crimes, OneRace Movement leadership is in agreement that there should be stronger laws with which to prosecute people who commit crimes with racist intent.


“What has transpired in our nation in recent weeks has been a sobering reminder that racism and discrimination are still real threats to people of color, and we must do more as faith leaders to put a stop to it,” said Josh Clemons, co-director of the OneRace Movement, referencing the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, and Christian Cooper’s experience in Central Park. “We are calling pastors and community leaders throughout greater Atlanta to join us in making this statement, and in requesting that our government put together a bill denouncing racism as a hate crime in our state.”

Two years ago, following OneRace Stone Mountain, hundreds of religious leaders signed the Atlanta Covenant, a document that was created to clarify and underscore each person’s individual commitments to end racism and promote reconciliation, explained Hazen Stevens, OneRace Movement co-director. “We want to remind local leaders of their commitments and invite others to join us in our promises to ‘stand against racism in every form,’ … ‘to affirm the dignity and value of every person regardless of culture or gender,’ … and ‘to stand firm against all racial and religious division until racism, religious separation, and segregation are completely eradicated in the Church of Jesus Christ.’”

The press conference will be held outdoors so that those in attendance can maintain social distance, and the wearing of masks will be encouraged. The event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. More information can be found online at or on OneRace’s Facebook page.

As a follow-up to the press conference, the OneRace Movement will be inviting thousands of individuals from throughout the state to join them in a march and a rally at the Georgia State Capitol on June 19 to follow-up on the request for hate crime legislation, to ensure that local politicians are hearing the voices of a people united against racism. Participants are invited to gather at Turner Stadium at 9 a.m. to join the March to Liberty Plaza.


About OneRace

OneRace is a primarily young adult movement of hundreds of churches and ministries throughout Atlanta and around the U.S. working through prayer and fasting, relationship and collaboration, to displace the spirit of racism and release a movement of racial reconciliation across Atlanta, the Southeast and the nation. Through persistent prayer, authentic relationship and redemptive justice, OneRace exists to raise up a movement of racial reconciliation and revival. For more information, please visit


Media Contact:
Melany Ethridge
