Public Relations

Why Your Book Needs a Social Media Campaign

Why Your Book Needs a Social Media Campaign

Writing and publishing a book is a major endeavor, but the work is not over when you send the book to the printer. Once a book is finished, there’s still that pesky business of getting people to buy the book. With more and more authors self-publishing, it’s important to consider the important component of a social media campaign in ensuring a successful book launch. These are the three key benefits of integrating a social media campaign into your marketing plan:

Your Book’s Best Talking Points: How to Select and Present Them

Your Book’s Best Talking Points:  How to Select and Present Them

Whether you are an established or emerging author, self-published or under contract with a major publisher, writer of non-fiction or fantasy, every author benefits from having an arsenal of talking points about their book in tow. Last week on the blog, we discussed how PR campaigns could benefit authors. Today, we’re diving into why consistent talking points about your book that are communicated throughout your PR campaign can be one of your most potent tools to reaching your book’s target readership.

The Changing Public Relations Landscape; Adapting Communications for a Digital World By ALRC Founder and CEO, A. Larry Ross

The Changing Public Relations Landscape;  Adapting Communications for a Digital World By ALRC Founder and CEO, A. Larry Ross

Considering such rapid development of myriad changes across so many fronts is perhaps unprecedented in communications, so seeking to adapt to the ever-evolving market is essential to remaining relevant. When PR professionals embrace new innovations, they can more poignantly portray their client’s messages.

Branding Your Company After COVID-19 by A. Larry Ross, Agency Founder and CEO

Branding Your Company After COVID-19 by A. Larry Ross, Agency Founder and CEO

Now as our nation collectively considers how to open up and come out of the quarantine imposed by COVID-19, most corporations and businesses (both large and small) as well as churches, ministries and non-profits alike have begun considering – and many are actively planning – how they will effectively emerge from this pandemic and step into an unpredictable new “normal.” It will likely be true that after companies return to the office things will never be the same. Thankfully, as a result of what we have experienced and how we have changed – they will likely be better.

3 Keys to a Successful Online Event

3 Keys to a Successful Online Event

Although COVID-19 has canceled in-person sporting events, concerts and other large gatherings for the foreseeable future, all hope is not lost for holding a successful event. Online events have a proven power to reach all kinds of audiences, and they are still very much a viable option through this pandemic and beyond. Rather than canceling your event for good, consider moving it to an online format and incorporating the following tips to generate awareness.